is AND ...
Incident Type
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Corrective Action
Hot Work / Welding Hazard Spill / Release Repaired a 1” poly gas line last week after line was cut during ditching operations. Worked in the same area yesterday performing tie ins and the inspector noticed a smell of gas. Welding was stopped and inspection looked at the repaired connection and determined it was leaking. Line was shut in at the valve and repair made. Informed land department to contact land owner in case pilot lights were present and issue was resolved. Shutdown until risk mitigated
Fall Hazard Other Observed a crew attempting to access a horizontal lifeline system using a step ladder, I intervened with the foreman and told him we should be utilizing an extension ladder instead, the step ladder is intended to be used as a work platform not as an access/egress point to other levels, due to the fact that it would tip over when you are outside the center of the ladder. Review and continue
Fall Hazard Not tied off Observed a group of welders on a scaffold working on an I-beam structure. One of the welders did not practice 100% tie off, two other welders were tied off to the same scaffold runner. The foreman was watching and corrected it right away and I got up with the contractor safety person, we provided coaching on the situation. Stop Work / Immediate Mitigation
Other (Define in comments) Non-Injury Observed a crew in an aerial lift bolting up a flange, we spoke with the ground attendant about the rescue plan and if he knew how to engage the ground controls and safely get the basket to the ground in the event of an emergency, he did not know how to perform the task. We spoke to the foreman and encouraged the ground attendant to familiarize himself with the ground controls ASAP. Review and continue
Electrical Hazard Contact With Contractor on site to test power feed for 503A.  This test requires a megger to be applied that sends voltage through the wire,  this voltage is 21,000 volts.  The location of test is on compressor skid 503A.  The contractor roped area of with caution tape.   With multiple SOW and multiple contractors on site all working on 503A I decided to stop work and clear the skid before test was performed.  

Stopped work cleared all contractors off of skid.   Consulted with Williams Lead I&E and PM for project and made them aware of the stop work before test was started.  Without being able to eliminating the hazard and not being able to secure the area to eliminate accidental contact with the wire being tested totally a stop work was conducted and the area was made safe.  
Stop Work / Immediate Mitigation
Procedural Hazards Rigging / Securing Loads Met Contractor on lease to set a pad mount transformer onto a concrete pad. We went over JSA, Critical lift plan and had a quick tail gate talk about steps of task at hand and spotters and persons responsible for tag line. Once they got ready to install slings onto pad mount transformer lifting eyes, one of the line crew hands noticed that one of the slings was pretty well fraid and called it to the attention of the crane operator. Crane operator said it would be fine for the weight of the load to be lifted. I assured the crane operator that we would not be lifting load with this sling and that if he could not provide proper sling or some other means that we would cancel the job. He then decided to lift with chains instead and I told him that was fine. I ask him to take the bad sling out of service and to never try and use something that badly worn again and he said he said that he would . We set the transformer successfully with no other problems. Shutdown until risk mitigated
Other (Define in comments) Lack of awareness Observed a worker climbing down a scaffold ladder, he did not have his lanyard hooks stowed/secured, they were swinging and could unintentionally hit someone walking by, talked to the crew how to secure them and the coached them about the designed break away lanyard keepers. Review and continue

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