Fall Hazard |
Competent Person Issue |
Observed worker walking by me to scaffolding . Access ladder had red danger tape wrapped around it . Worker checked tag and scaffold was not signed off on by competent person . Worker asked me why danger tape was wrapped around scaffold ladder . I told him that I didn't know and to go find their Scaffolding Competent Person. Competent person said that scaffolding plank had been removed to pull a piping spool through so he red marked scaffolding with danger tape until scaffold plank could be re-installed. Competent person put on safety harness and tied off to scaffold and returned scaffold plank . After further inspection he signed off on green tag and scaffolding could be accessed with no need to tie off. |
Shutdown until risk mitigated |
Body Position Hazard |
Pinch Points |
Welder helper looking through clamp to observe fit up as Forman is moving pipe around with equipment. Helper has his body between ditch bank and pipe and no way out if pipe were to come out of clamps. |
Shutdown until risk mitigated |
Lifting Hazard |
Lack of awareness |
Witnessed a contractor group moving a piece of structure with the telehandler. Upon observing the task I noticed that one of the shackles used was side loaded. I stopped the equipment operator and pointed it out to the. After coaching the individual that was responsible for rigging it improperly, they continued the task. |
Shutdown until risk mitigated |
Excavation Hazard |
Lack of awareness |
Contractor had just finished safety meeting, before they had time to change out bell-hole report with a new one for the day. X-Ray signed the bell-hole report from previous day and entered bell-hole before it was checked with 4 gas monitor and report filled out. |
Stop Work / Immediate Mitigation |
Other (Define in comments) |
Not Following Procedures |
Upon inspection of a fabrication site on ROW, it was found the welding foreman who completed the JSA had only wrote three words on his JSA. Welding. cutting, and grinding no other comments on JSA. Stopped work and had him re-write his JSA, and got with contractor to retrain him on how to write a JSA. |
Stop Work / Immediate Mitigation |
Other (Define in comments) |
Not Following Procedures |
X-Ray truck shooting with no cones to keep people from walking and driving thru area while shooting. |
Stop Work / Immediate Mitigation |
Load Securement Hazard |
Falling Objects |
Contractor group utilizing a 3 legged jack stand fully extended with 2x4’s on the V-head where a 4” carbon steel pipe spool was sitting. When I approached the group, they were preparing to set two wooden pallets underneath the already unstable jackstands. I stopped them and asked if they felt there was a safer way to complete the task. A couple of guys has some ideas and shared them with the group. At the end of the conversation, we talked about two key factors.
1. Dismissing the fact that the task was not going as planned and continued with the error prone task they created.
2. Stop work authority was not used when concerns were raised about what was being done.
We made sure rust everyone understood that stop work authority is not to be ignored and that everyone has the right to use it. Once the plan forward was established the group executed the task safely. |
Shutdown until risk mitigated |
Line Strike / Rupture Hazard |
Other |
Upon arrival at job-site boring contractor was drilling pilot hole without a window in front of pipelines . And contractor hadn't contacted the line rep for the lines. Stopped all work on bore until everything was in place. |
Shutdown until risk mitigated |
Atmospheric Hazards |
Contact With |
Upon on arriving at the job site for a safety meeting before daylight, crew noticed something was leaking on a nearby well pad. Also after further investigate they found a fume of gas covering the whole area where they were located. Crew called me and evacuated row, no signs on well pad to call anyone to respond. After well pad pumper arrived and stopped leak, I informed crew to wait an hour so everything dispersed before returning to work. |
Shutdown until risk mitigated |
Load Securement Hazard |
Lack of awareness |
Contactor was doing modification to a 20" pig trap. Total weight approx 3000lbs. Majority of weight was positioned on 2 jack stands near the 20" flange trap door. 1 jack stands placed under the 16" past the reducer and one jack stand placed under 2" bypass flange. Total of 4 stands used. 3 on the main body and one under the 2" valve on the back side. Leaving the front side with a 6" flange unsupported. The helper was trying to open the 20" pig trap door, and had to use additional force causing the 20" barrel to be unstable on unsupported front side causing it to roll forward and off of all jack stands dropping 3 and a half feet to the rock pad. Stop work was initiated and the incident was recorded as a near miss. Barrel was placed in skids where there was no potential for rolling. If a jack stand would have been placed under the 6" kicker flange initially it would have eliminated rolling. |
Stop Work / Immediate Mitigation |
Load Securement Hazard |
Not Following Procedures |
Upon delivery to ROW trucks were noticed to not have pipe stakes installed and straps only over the top not each layer. Contacted pipe supply company and informed them that the trucks will be turned down if they continue this behavioral. |
Other |